
Mustard Seeds: Seeds from a plant belonging to the cabbage family, available in yellow, brown, or black.

Green Peppercorns: Unripened peppercorns with a soft texture and a fresh, sour flavour. Available freeze dried or pickled in brine or vinegar. Refrigerate after opening.

Cumin Seeds: Dried, small, crescent-shaped seeds from a plant related to parsley. Available whole or ground, and in three colours: amber, white and black. They have a powerful earthy, nutty flavour and aroma.

Cloves, Whole: Dried unopened flower buds of a tropical evergreen tree. They have an extremely pungent sweet taste and aroma. Also available ground.

Coriander Seeds: Tiny yellow-tan seeds from the cilantro (fresh coriander) plant. Used, whole or ground, as a spice. Flavour is reminiscent of lemon, sage, and caraway.

Cinnamon Sticks: Rolled pieces of the inner bark of the branches of a small evergreen tree. Native to Sri Lanka and India. They have a distinctive sweet flavour and aroma. Also available ground.

Cardamom: A member of the ginger family. The pods contain seeds with a strong lemony flavour. Also available ground.

Black Cumin Seeds: Available at Indian and Asian markets. Substitute black sesame seeds.

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